Connecting Innovations: The Industrial Metaverse Comes Alive

Siemens showcased an empowering role as a worldwide pioneer in the industrial metaverse at CES in Las Vegas. Freeman created a captivating 50x70 hybrid exhibit blending custom, rental, and technology-driven elements to convey Siemens' narrative of transforming everyday experiences through cutting-edge industrial technology. The exhibit featured interactive elements in each of the four client story zones, enhancing attendee engagement. The success of the exhibit was reflected in Siemens' in-exhibit surveys, showing a 30% year-over-year improvement. The exhibit received a nomination for Best of Show and impressed visitors with its powerful stories and real-life resemblance to the renderings.

  • Creative Ideation & Design
  • Exhibits
  • Fabrication
Siemens exhibit at CES
Siemens at CES 3
Siemens at CES 5
Siemens at CES 7
Siemens interactive at CES
Siemens at CES 2
Siemens at CES 4
Siemens at CES 6
Siemens at CES Meeting Room
Siemens at CES 10

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