Sparks Projects Win Two Event Marketer Awards

Sparks Marketing
Event Marketer Awards

Sparks is proud to announce that two of our recent projects have received awards presented on behalf of Event Marketer. Read on to learn more about each project and its respective recognition.

Netflix FYSEE

Netflix FYSEE on the It List

Event Marketer’s It List contains the annual report of the top 100 event agencies in the experiential marketing industry. According to Event Marketer, the number of applications for this year's It List was the highest their editors have seen yet – making it that much more impressive that our work for Netflix FYSEE earned a spot.

The goal of this project was to create an immersive exhibition for attendees to experience their favorite Netflix shows of the season in hopes of garnering Emmy nominations. Each show had its own designated area with custom designed interactive opportunities – like Wednesday’s surprising “Snap Twice” feature, or The Crown’s sensor-triggered flashing lights, simulating a paparazzi feel. More than 5,000 total guests experienced this event, and each displayed show received numerous Emmy nominations.

Siemens booth at CES 2024

Siemens at CES Wins Ex Award

Not only did Sparks’ work on Siemens at CES make Event Marketer’s Fab50 list of top exhibit and event builders in North America, it also won an Ex Award.

At this year’s 22nd Ex Awards, presented by Event Marketer, Sparks won the Ex Award in the “Best Trade Show Exhibit Over 50x50” category. This interactive exhibit, fabricated by Freeman, boldly displayed Siemens’ technology in a way that significantly increased customer engagement. Siemens' content was showcased across four vignettes, representing how their clients’ problems were solved with Siemens’ technology. This exhibit captured the attention of attendees with luminescent cubes, brought together with a curated color scheme. It also connected with people on an emotional scale through the use of Siemens’ client stories, reinforcing the brand as a leading technology company.

Check out the rest of the It List and Fab50 winners!