Sparks Chairman Jeffrey Harrow Joins PAL Career Exploration Panel Discussion

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Sparks Chairman Jeffrey Harrow joins the PAL Philadelphia (Police Athletic League of Philadelphia’s) Career Exploration Panel Discussion on Tuesday, November 19th, as a guest panelist sharing his insights and career experiences with over 100 children in grades 9 through 12.

With discussion topics including overcoming career challenges, industry perspectives/predictions, and advice for others starting out in their career journeys, the goal of the Career Exploration Panel is to bring PAL kids together to give them helpful information and guidance about available career opportunities.

The relationship between Sparks and the PAL Philadelphia continues to be a meaningful one and for Mr. Harrow (winner of a 2018 PAL Award for his contributions to the organization), the opportunity to speak to young people in Philadelphia and offer his voice and real life experiences to help empower their future is valuable on so many levels.

“It is vital that these kids have access to positive, successful influences in their lives. They need mentors and guidance just like everyone else and they need to be told and reminded that it’s ok to ask for help,” says Harrow. “For people in my position, being generous with our time and attention can be just as impactful — if not more so — to these children as being generous with our wallets. I look forward to these opportunities to share my experiences with them and will continue to do so as long as PAL will have me.”

As an organization, PAL Philadelphia is all about serving the youth of Philadelphia, with their mission being “Cops Helping Kids” making the Career Exploration Panel all the more significant.

The Police Athletic League of Philadelphia
“Whether it’s sports like basketball, soccer, or tennis, or educational offerings such as chess, homework or computer clubs, or any one of the dozens of field trips offered in a given year, PAL’s programming has a common element which amplifies its impact: caring and committed Philadelphia Police Officers,” says PAL. “PAL Officers are a part of the fabric of the communities they serve. Our ability to create unique impact lies in the relationships forged among police officers, children, families, and their communities.”

Jeffrey Harrow, Sparks Chairman
Jeffrey, a longtime PAL Philadelphia supporter, has spent the last 18 years of his career as the Chairman of Sparks, overseeing all aspects of the company’s strategy, marketing and sales activities. He demonstrates passion and commitment to customer satisfaction and is a key customer advocate. Throughout his reputable career, he is recognized as a leader who helps companies transform their programs into business models that add value to their customers while increasing brand shareholder value.